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I do a comprehensive battery of tests that assess for processing strengths and weaknesses, learning style, achievement in oral language, written language, reading and math. I have specialized testing that examine further issues, if needed.  The evaluation is a maximum of 6 hours. In addition to testing, it takes additional time to score, interpret and write a detailed report with specific recommendations. I also provide a one to two hour feedback meeting in which I go over the results in detail with the parents.

Types of Evaluations

Ability Testing






Achievemet Testing 



Identification of Gifted Students

   WISC-IV and WIAT-4


Identification of Learning Differences




Test/Performance Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety


My Philosophy

I have always believed in the strength model for educational assessments.  My goal is to not only identify a student's learning differences or weaknesses but to identify the student's learning style strength.  The gift of a comprehensive educational evaluation is to provide the student with an understanding of his or her particular learning or processing style strength.  If the student, parents and educators understand the strengths, then an effective educational plan can be implemented.  In addition to helping students, parents and teachers understand a particular learning style strength, I also provide the student, school, and parents with the tools and strategies necessary to use those strengths to improve academic success.  If a student is identified with a learning difference or learning disability, the appropriate and necessary accommodations and remediation referrals will be included in the report.


I administer all the tests.  I do not rely on staff to administer any test for me.  Getting to know the student is very important when administering the tests.  I gain so much information from the interaction I have with the student both on line and in person.  No test can measure a student's work ethic, motivation, frustration tolerance, and creativity but sitting one on one with the student provides so much more information than just test scores.  When I attended Trinity University, the head of the graduate program told me that I had a particular insight into understanding the whole child.  I was told that I was able to integrate the information garnered from the tests and observations into a comprehensive understanding of the student.  I pride myself in giving specific recommendations to help the student to be the best he or she can be in school. 


Another philosphy I have is to empower the parents and students.  I provide a one to two hour feedback meeting to go over the results of the evaluation with the parents.  I want the parents to have a clear understanding of their child's strengths and weaknesses.  My reports can run from 15 pages to 25 pages.  Parents leave the feedback meeting with a clear understanding of their child. 

  • In 1987 received a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Trinity University, a top rated Masters in Clinical Psychology program in Texas; LPC License #10772

  • 1987 to 1994 worked at the Child Guidance Center associated with the UT Health Science Center.  Conducted psychoeducational evaluations for Region 20 Title 1 Program, private and public schools and the department of Human Services

  • Since 1994 I have been in private practice;

    • headed the Region 20 Title 1 Program for psychoeducational evaluations from 1996 to 2007: conducted evaluations; contracted and supervised a team of psychologists.

    • Currently my private practice includes referrals from private schools including St. Mary's Hall, San Antonio Academy, St. Luke's Episcopal and Montessori School of San Antonio. Most of my referrals come from return clients and word of mouth.

    • Since 1998 have done psychoeducational evaluations for students going to and enrolled in universities in Texas and other states including Baylor, University of Texas, Texas A & M, University of the Incarnate Word, Texas Christian University, University of Texas San Antonio, Our Lady of the Lake University, Goucher College, University of Southern California, University of Arizona, Stanford, UT Medical School and Baylor Medical School.

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